Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tuesday Truths...

I'm realizing a few things lately.  Well maybe in the last year or so.  I don't know if its because I'm in my forties and things start to look differently.  Because somehow, they are.

If it's our boys growing up and moving out of the house.  (Wow, I could cry right now just thinking about our boys NOT living with us anymore.  Stupid hormones. Stupid boys. ) 

I don't know if it's the reality of our last child, our only girl, so close to taking that door her brothers before her have taken... You know, the one marked, in permanent marker, huge capital letters, " I'M AN ADULT NOW, I MUST GO THROUGH".  There are times when I see her put her hand on the knob of that door, just to see how it feels.  I gently remove it and remind her that she has a couple of years still.

Nahhhhhh!!! I hear that internal motherly alarm ringing loudly,  I run from wherever I am in the house, grab that soft inexperienced 16 year old hand, with my ruff, wrinkled I think I know whats best for you, 46 year old hand, and tell her firmly, "You are mine for another 2 years. BACK AWAY FROM THE DOOR !!!"    :)

Or if it's the left over emotions of pure gratefulness and relief,  that our oldest son has spent a year in Afghanistan, and come home safe and in one piece, when so many have not. 

I think it's all of those things, and so much more.  I am understanding more lately God's rhythm in my life.  In my families lives.

And I'm good with it.

I'm learning to slow down some.

Simplify my life.

Enjoy the day, and not get to far ahead of myself with tomorrow.

I'm learning to do what I need to do for myself and not feel guilty about it, but good.  Knowing that I will then be the best me,  for those I love.  It's a win/win.   :)

And mostly, I'm learning to walk in a deeper place of gratefulness.  A seed I know that was planted in me as a young child.  A place that I was born in.


For all He has given me in my life.

For all that He hasn't.

~Hugs From My Grateful Heart

~P.S... I know your probably sick of this song already. Sorry, I can't get enough of this song. I love Connie Frances' voice, the beautiful instruments, all of it.  Bear with me. ~

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