Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I LOVE peonies. I mean I really, really, love them. Five million years from now, when Katie gets married, I can so see her walking with her tear filled eyed dad, down the aisle to her groom holding these...

Interestingly enough, she has talked about red roses on her wedding day. This is interesting because my mother, whom Katie has never known because she has been gone for 19 years, carried a huge bouquet of red roses the day she married my dad.  And I don't think she was aware of my mothers choice of flowers on her wedding day...

But Katie reminds me so much of my mother.  She always has.  I've often thought God gave her to me as a gift with qualities of my mum that are unmistakable to my heart, so I could still have her with me in some real way.
This smile you see her so genuinely shining in the below photo with her BF... well thats my moms smile.  Not even my sisters or I have my moms smile, but Katie does. 

I missed my mom last week.  I have come to realize a long time ago that a girl never stops needing her mum.  Ever.  Even when she has amazing sisters who love her completely and totally.  And I have two of the best.  Those are them on the left, in the yellow and green... (be jealous they really are amazing)

There have been times when Katies brothers and others, have said I so spoil her.  I've even said it myself..  And you know, I kinda do... She is our last child, the only girl after three boys, and my only daughter.  My baby.  The boys are grown up, and like they are suppose to, they will leave and cleave.

Katie one day, no sooner then 5 million years from now, will marry.  She will have her own family, house, life with the husband who "would swim through shark infested waters just to give her a glass of lemonade"  (Dr. Laura), much like her mum.

But just like her grandmother before her, that she so reminds me of, I too will know on that day when she walks down the aisle with her arm in her tear filled eyed dads arm, to the man of her dreams...
she will always be my Baby Girl.  Always be my daughter.  Always need her mum in some way or another, throughout her life.  And I'm good with that.  

Peonies or roses. It won't matter one bit.  Just to see my mothers smile on my baby girls face...

I am one grateful mum. 

Hugs From My Heart

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