Saturday, January 21, 2012

Are You A "Yes" Woman...

At Christmas, I stumbled upon a devotional at T.J.'s... The Beauty of the Lord. A 365 Devotional Journal.
It's a short, simple one.  With space to write daily.  Plus, it was $7.99!  :)  I also loved the size of it, the feel of it, and although I don't read as much as I would like, I love books.  In the cart it went. 

Of course, my intention was to start on January 1st, and read it each day.

Didn't happen. 

However, I did read it today, and this is what it said...

~ "God affirms us, making us a sure thing in Christ, putting his Yes within us."  2 Corinthians 1:21 The Message

"Yes" seems like such a good word.  A loving word.  One that overflows from women who are generous in spirit and compassionate in deed.  
 But yes isn't always the best answer.  Just because God has placed a desire in you to care for others, doesn't mean He's asked you to be everyone's answer to prayer.  Your time is limited.  So are your financial, physical, and emotional resources. 
So, before you say yes, give yourself an opportunity to say... no.  Ask for time to think before answering a request.  Then, TALK TO GOD!!!  (my caps, not publishers)  Ask for His guidance.  Don't allow the emotion of the moment or pressure from others to dictate your answer.  If your yes isn't wholehearted, it isn't a true answer to prayer.

(And this next sentence really resonated with me)

Remember, "no" can also be an answer to someone's prayer.  It can give others the opportunity to step up and help.

(What?!!!  The world doesn't need ME to fix everything, and be there for everyone?!!!)

God is the only one you should say yes to right away.  Everyone else can wait until God gives you the green light.  ~

I think, I have been in the process of learning this lesson for years.  No, really. When I say years, I mean like,


Well, maybe not that many.  But seriously... to long. 

I think, I'm getting it though.  Recently, I have been spending a lot of time home.



It's nice, and I need it.

I've been doing a lot of reading.

I sit at the window and watch the snow falling.

I take photos of the Cardinals in the back yard.

And spend a lot of time just petting this guy.

I'm slowly getting myself off face book.

I got rid of my cell. I just don't think we need to be available to everyone all the time.  It's too much.

At least for me.

I'm still on the road to simplifying my life.  It's almost feels like a craving.  Like I have to do it in order to survive.  To go forward at this point.  This year, I turn 47.  Just numbers.  Not any different for me really.

But what is different is my life.  All our children are grown and out of the house, except one.  Our baby girl.

She won't be with us much longer either.  They grow and go, and she already seems to have one foot out the door.  I need to figure out what my life is, and is going to be, so I don't hold her back, when she is ready to walk out on her own.

And Blue Eyes... well that man is like most wonderful husbands.  He just wants me happy.  Always has. Whatever that is to me, he's all for it.  That man would swim through shark infested waters just to give me a glass of cold lemon-aid.  I'm one blessed girl.

And so I know that whatever changes I make, whatever they need to be... he will be by my side.  Where he has been for years. 

I will sit still and quiet longer, and listen for what God has for me.  Evidently today, it's remembering to say...


I'm good with it.  ;)

Hugs from my heart

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