Thursday, March 29, 2012

After 27 Years Of Parenting... It Still Boils Down To How We Were Raised.

So tonight... or should I say this evening... I SOOOOO  realized something about Blue Eyes and Me.

Let me explain...

Katie, (our last of four, three brothers before her), came home for just a moment, and no more (because she is 16 after all), to let us know that she was spending the night at a friends.  Noooooooo problem.  But, she needed to go to the store for me, BEFORE she went.

You would have thought I had asked her to jump off from the 2cent bridge, naked, on a December morning, in the middle of a Noreaster, without a parachute ... for crying out loud.

Now, don't get me wrong.  Katelyn has been a joy in my mothers heart since before she was born.  Having her for a daughter has been one of God's greatest gift in my life.  But BOY, can she play the manipulation game.  Oh my that girl is good.  ESPECIALLY, when it comes to her Dad.

As I was telling her that BEFORE she went to Courts, she needed to take the money and list,  go to the store and pick up what I needed,  ( her biological, kept having children until I had a girl, went through hours and hours of labor JUST for her, mother)... she, being all of 16 going on 25, complained.

What could she have possibly complained about you ask?


Gas in the car, that we, gave to her, for her 16th birthday.  How she didn't want to go to what really amounts to a spit in distance, to the store for me, her mum.

Blue Eyes, (handsome, adorable Blue Eyes), was standing in the doorway of the kitchen, listening to his only daughter, last born child of three boys before her, and immediately started to put his hands in his pocket.

What for you ask?


This is where I so realized for one of the first times in 27 years of parenting our peeps, how much the  way WE, were parented as children, is still so with us all of these years later.

I have the attitude of ... "Seriously Kate, stop your complaining, get in your car and do what I need you to do."

Basically, "Buck the heck up Butter Cup. If you want to go someplace, do what is asked of you and cut the crap.  Or stay home."

Soooo my mom.  Soooo how I was brought up.  :)

Blue Eyes... well I know he had some stuff to deal with growing up, but he is the... " Here, take some money for gas, and go get what your mum needs.  Just don't argue. "

Peace Maker all the way.  :)

I can honestly say that I am so very proud of all four of our peeps, even with all of the bumps in the road.    Blue Eyes and I have done our very best with them, and I think they are good people.  My mum would be proud of them.  They would make her smile.

Like most of us, I think often of our peeps future.  I wonder how Blue Eyes have done in our parenting and how that will effect their future.

For the most part, I know in my mothers heart that they are good.

They know God.  They have Jesus in their hearts, and the Holy Spirit that speaks to them always.

Know matter how many mistakes Blue Eyes and I have made through the years... if they turn out to be a "Buck up buttercup" or a "Here, take money for gas" parent, or a combination of both...

Blue Eyes and I are blessed.

Hugs From My Heart

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