Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Eyes, Their Playing Tricks On Me...

Or maybe, it's my mothers heart.

I could have sworn I saw my third born, my baby boy this morning.

That's him, on the far left, with his two older brothers.  Everytime I see this photo, my heart skips a beat, and my eyes fill with tears.  He, was all of 2.

I was on my way to one of my favorite coffee spots, (I was out of coffee at home), and there he was.

Walking to work in all of his 19 years.  Taking care of his life.  Figuring out where it's going, how he's going to get there.

His hair is no longer blond as the sun.  He doesn't spend his mornings out in the field by our house, where I could and did, stand in the window and watch him patiently look for, and catch, butterfly after butterfly with his favorite net.

He is a man now.  Even though in my mothers heart, he is still my baby boy.  The one who would come at any given moment of the day and hug on my waist, look up at me with his hazel eyes and say...

"I love you mom."

I am so grateful for the time I had at home with our children.  There are times like today, when I wish we could all go back, even for just a week.  To when they were little pumpkins, all home.  Under one roof.  In a time where I could close my eyes at night, know how blessed I was, and thank God for peacefully sleeping children just below me.

God is good.  So good.

I texted  my Baby Boy when I reached the coffee shop this morning.  Reminded him that his mom loves him, and that in my heart, even though he is a man now, he will always be my Baby Boy.

He, didn't reply.  But thats alright.

I know that I know, that I know... that that 19 year old, third born son of mine, now a man, knows, how very much his mother loves him.

And someplace, in the deepest part of HIS heart, where no one else goes...

He, is still my baby boy too.

And that is enough for me.  :)

Hugs From My Heart

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