local news,
and Dads shoulders for not missing a moment.
Everyone comes together,
with help from those who care...
Because those who care with all they have...
to give us all we have...
saying thank you, never seems to be enough.
Our oldest son, on the right gray tee shirt, home from Afghanistan standing with his Dad...( BIG grateful sigh)
So we gather with family,
and friends...
and of course it hails because it's July 4th, and it's Maine.
So we all take shelter under the deck...
and wait out,
what we hope will be just a passing storm. (My two sisters... lotsa love for these two)
But hail is hail even if it is July...
And wait it out we did.
Blue Eyes and one of our "boys" Can you pick out father and son in this photo? Freaky huh!
But guys can stay still for just so long...
and with the break in the storm, Frisbee's were found and put to good use.
I love this girl... she holds my heart in her hands.
and this young man, our second son, just turned 21 the day before. Florida sister just a bit wet from being out in the rain.
Katie and her big brother. These moments... they bless my mothers heart so very much.
Sierra rejoicing in the sun. Hopeful for tubing.
Broggie loves his Auntie Erica
And yes... tubing it is.
Uncle Gary is such a good sport for bringing us out.
This is what happiness looks like knowing their turn is close ...
and this is what disappointment looks like when ANOTHER storm comes in, and tubing is put on hold. (This was seriously their real expressions... no kidding)
But because it is Maine, the storm passed as quickly as it came ... tubing is back on!!!
throwing each other off the float...
all good stuff.
Unless your on one more ride on the boat. This time, no teenagers. Just quiet (Odie sure does love "Summer Camp" . Can ya blame him!)
peaceful water...
A wonderful end to a beautiful day...
God Bless America, My home sweet home...
Hope yours was as blessed as mine was.
Hugs From My Heart
What a beautiful day, and family, and what fun. Memories to treasure for a lifetime! I know that you will. Love to you, my sweet friend.