Monday, April 25, 2011

Whatever The Version, They All Say The Same Thing To This Mom... Hope

                          Blue Eyes, Me, Ben, & Mattie. 1990

Proverbs 22:6  The Message

 6Point your kids in the right direction-
  when they're old they won't be lost.

New International Version,
  6 Start children off on the way they should go,
   and even when they are old they will not turn from it

King James Version,
 6Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it

Today, as I read that verse, one that I have read so many times before, I had a renewed sense of hope. Maybe it is because of  the Easter celebration yesterday.  Maybe.

Maybe because my focus has been on Easter all week, and what Jesus did on the cross... How He didn't stay there.  How He is ALIVE.  The hope that comes from that truth.

I can tell you that I understand it better today. What I feel God is trying to tell me clearly, in that verse.

If your a mum, you know where my heart is.  I try sometimes to explain it to Blue Eyes.  Carrying those 4 peeps inside me for 9 months, feeling them grow as each one goes by.
He holds me close, looks at me with those loving blue eyes of his, and tries.  He tries to understand what can't be explained.  A mothers love for her child.  I got that on Friday night at a showing at church, of The Passion Of The Christ, I had yet to see. 

There is a scene in the movie where Mary, hears her son, Jesus coming down the street, beaten, cross on his back,  followed and taunted by, those persecuting him.  She can barely move at the thought of it all ...

When I saw that scene, I realized that Jesus understands my heart as a mother.

He created it in me.

As their mum, my heart breaks when they are hurting, struggling, or just in the time of growing up.  It is one of the hardest things to see, and not try to "fix" for them.  Not try to "mother" them through.  Everything in us wants to run to them, pick them up, and love them back to what we know is  best for them. 

But we can't. 

We trust like Mary did, Gods Word. 

"Point your kids in the right direction-
and when they are old they won't be lost."  Proverbs 22:6

Mary needed to know, and remember that even though her son, Jesus, was going through an unthinkable time that she couldn't even comprehend... God had not left Him.  He was there all along. He would see Him through every step until the very end.   Her son was right where He was suppose to be.  Even though it broke her heart to see. 

And so, as a mum, not unlike Mary, I too will remember when our children are struggling, growing up, looking lost,  finding Gods way for themselves...

God has not left them. He is there all along.  He will see them through.  Every step of the way.  Until the very end...  

"and when they are old, they won't be lost."

It's all good.  And I am so grateful

Hugs From My Mothers Heart

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