Monday, August 20, 2012

Unembellished Thought...

Today was a full day-

but I suppose it is about time I take the time to come clean, dear friends. The past three weeks have been some of the most perplexing and generally confusing days this girl right here has walked through in her life up to this point.
For the first time since attending Liberty University (a Christian college), I began working full time in a truly secular environment. As one of the masses of kids who was churched since birth attending Liberty, I had really little to no clue or personal experience with ‘people of the world.’ Because of this, I found it very easy to be drawn up into an ‘us (Christians) and them (the world)’ type of mentality when dealing with people outside of the Liberty bubble, and even those within the Liberty bubble. I assumed that people who did not know the Lord would most certainly judge me for my faith in Him, in the same way I judged those whom I perceived did not desire to have a relationship with my God.
In the past three weeks, time and time again I have found myself absolutely thunderstruck at the amount of grace, acceptance, and really just genuineness shown by my unbelieving coworkers toward me. There has been such a striking difference between the attitudes I expected and the ones I have seen for myself. I have found myself convicted time and time again by the amount of love and tenderness shown forth by those who do not know my Savior. If they have no reason to be this way, how much greater should my love be for others than it is- seeing as I have the true, steadfast love of God indwelling me through His Spirit?
It is time we as Christians take a very long, hard look at the One we claim to have inside us, and ask ourselves how we can continue for even a moment to live with ourselves as we hide the Love we claim to know underneath a pile of religious makeup. This false veneer of perfection is only clogging our pores and creating blemishes on the face of Christ that is visible to the world. It’s time to be genuine, because it is a genuine spirit that confesses its own brokenness without Christ that will allow us to relate to the brokenness of this world. 

This is a tumblr site, I stumbled upon today.  
I thought I should share it with you.  
The young ladies name is Kristen. 
A proper introduction: my name is Kristen. I am a Christ following, autumn adoring, puddle or leaf pile jumping, secret keeping, used book perusing, chai tea and coffee drinking, paint dabbling, shower and car top of my lungs singing, accidental coffee-shop and grocery store checkout line eavesdropping, smell of rain loving, correct grammar wielding, language and word appreciating, once shamelessly people-pleasing but now recovering, rather introverted and exhaustively introspective, twenty-one year-old girl that strives to represent myself and my thoughts both honestly and somewhat eloquently as I grow closer to the One who is forming me into the person He originally created me to be. If you have any questions, please do ask.~ 
If she were my daughter, I would be very proud of her.
Link,  to her tumbr, here.

Hugs From My Heart

A Little Wisdom For Your Monday...

Thanks Eleanor.

I've always believed that we teach people, how to treat us.

Hugs From My Heart

Sunday, August 19, 2012

On Nora Ephron...

Nora Ephron was a woman I could have really liked.

Yup... I think we could have been friends.

Hugs From My Heart

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Just A Few Of My Favorite Kitchens

Hugs From My Heart

Tuesday Morning Breakfast

This, is my breakfast today.

Not because I am trying to be all healthy and eat an enormously huge slice of watermelon.

Only because Blue Eyes ate the rest of the already cut up and in a container waiting for lazy me to eat it other half, last night.  (did I mention HE had cut it up. I couldn't be bothered)

I still can't be bothered to cut this side up into nice bite size pieces so I'll just dig right in!

(my sisters are so laughing at me right now.  Can you tell I'm the youngest.  So lazy!!!)

Our youngest, (17 going on 25), Kate, is going on her second week in Cali with her friends and "sister" Elizabeth, having the time of their lives.

That's her, on the way left... with Lauren, Sam, (her best friend), and Elizabeth.

With Katie gone, I haven't bothered to buy food for the house...

 And with one more week of her having Hot Fun In The Summertime...

Why would I?!!!

Blue Eyes and I are so enjoying this preview of   "empty nest" more then we thought.

We stayed in bed the other day until 11:15!!!

When we finally got up, and I looked at the alarm clock I thought we had lost power during the night.

That would be a negative.  We just slept in.  Way in for us.


Hugs From My Heart