Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday Thoughts...

I'm just thinkin...

It's been a good week.

This post is random.

Kind of a summary of my week.

Straight from my heart/head.

Here goes...

  1. I miss my first born son.  Alot.
  2. Our "kids" will always be "our kids" no matter how old we get, or they get.
  3. I am so in love with Blue Eyes, and He with me... it is intoxicating.  No, really.  
  4. Our "kids" are growing up, and out, so fast... it makes my mothers heart stop.  
  5. God, is always, yes, always in there. ALWAYS.
  6. Blue Eyes and I... we did a good job as parents.  
  7. The prayers for our "children" that I have prayed for years and years... God HAS heard, and is honoring. 
  8. I miss my mom, and it's good.  She is with me, always.  
  9. I have sisters & brothers that love me more than I could have ever thought I could be loved.  I am one blessed girl.
  10. God has filled my life with so much love... how grateful a girl am I.  So grateful. So very grateful.
Hugs, Big Girlfriend Hugs, Straight From My Heart...  :)

    Friday, November 11, 2011

    It's Friday...

    The Italians have a saying:

    il dolce far niente.”

    Translated, it means, “the sweetness of doing nothing.”

    The Italians have mastered this. We need to adopt it into our lives.

    Hugs From My Heart

    Saturday, November 5, 2011

    It's Saturday... and I Have Another Awesome Tutorial For You

    I don't know if it's getting close to Christmas, (I know I know, we haven't even had Thanksgiving yet.), but I can't stop finding all of these terrific tutorials to share.

    Meg, over at Brassy Apple,  has one of the coolest tutorials for a popular item I've seen and wanted to purchase (but didn't because it was way too expensive), at my favorite store, T.J.Maxx. 

    The end results are just adorable, and affordable.  What a great Christmas gift.  To myself I mean.  :)

    Actually, they are so nice, they really would make nice gifts.  Click on over to Brassy Apple and see for yourself. 

    Hugs From My Heart

    Friday, November 4, 2011

    Friday ... Tutorial

    I sure do love me some purdy mercury glass...

    Especially around the holidays, there is nothing better.  Anna, over at Take The Side Street has a simple, cost effective tutorial that I am so going to do.

    Her results are amazing...

    Click on over to her blog,  Take The Side Street, and see for yourself.


    Hugs From My Heart