The Nate Berkus Show, has to be one of my favorite shows as of late. His style is classic, affordable, and personal. I learn so much every time I watch it. His guests are everyday people that you and I know. Hey, you might even recognize someone from your neighborhood! (scroll down to the bottom of the blog and shut off the music if you are interested in watching this video)
One question that stuck out in my mind that Nate asked Ms. Angelou was, "What is home to you?"
What would you say, "home" is to you?
Nate's Blog is much like his show... Fun, informative, and full of practical things anyone can do.
I love Nate. He is such a real person. Not one of those celebrity personalities that are all full of themselves. He is genuine and talented, and willing to share that with us. Its a win/win !
Hugs From My Heart
Wife, Mother, Sister, Friend, Self Taught Photographer... Sinner Saved By Grace.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Monday at our house is a stay at home day. Cleaning happens, organizing closets, drawers. I clean out the fridge and peoples stuff gets tossed out if its not nailed down or put away. (come on people, just put it away!!!) I don't usually go anywhere and make no plans or appointments for those reasons. But before I start down the clean the house road, while I'm still making my list of what to get done today, and drinking my third cup of coffee, I found this...
You might not be a person who likes all white, (I LOVE IT), but boy I know you can appreciate the vision and work that went into this transformation.
If your like me, and you need to see more, click here, Secret Garden Cottage, and see the rest. ENJOY!!! You might just be inspired yourself! I'm gonna work on my fourth cup. I have ALL day to clean!!!
Hugs From My Heart.
You might not be a person who likes all white, (I LOVE IT), but boy I know you can appreciate the vision and work that went into this transformation.
If your like me, and you need to see more, click here, Secret Garden Cottage, and see the rest. ENJOY!!! You might just be inspired yourself! I'm gonna work on my fourth cup. I have ALL day to clean!!!
Hugs From My Heart.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Ummmmm... YUM !
One of my favorite blogs, MckMama ...
I so love her blog. She is a mom, wife, friend... Like most of us, she has had her fill of trials to push through. Today, she put up a beautiful photo of what she fed her peeps for lunch and boy it looked scrumptious. It lead me to other simple things she has put together that I know I will try. Click on her link and take a look for yourself. Or, click on the dish your interested in, and it will bring you right to it.
Hugs From My Heart
I so love her blog. She is a mom, wife, friend... Like most of us, she has had her fill of trials to push through. Today, she put up a beautiful photo of what she fed her peeps for lunch and boy it looked scrumptious. It lead me to other simple things she has put together that I know I will try. Click on her link and take a look for yourself. Or, click on the dish your interested in, and it will bring you right to it.
southwest chicken salad with basil
necessity is the mother of invention
Terrific Tuna Salad
bean, orange and nut salad
pizza pockets
Hugs From My Heart
Friday, January 28, 2011
I had lunch today at one of my favorite places, Jorgensens, (Jorgs for short,) with two of my favorite people. We talked about many things. But one thing we talked about, was how we were parented and how we parent. Sooooo interesting. One of us was telling about how she was disciplined when she had done something wrong and even when she hadn't.
I told them about how we disciplined our peeps when they were little. I realized, like my parents, that I have done what is typical of most. The older ones, or first borns, get more asked of them. More expected of them. My parents did it. Blue Eyes and I did and still do it. Much to the criticism of the three older siblings of said fourth child, and only girl, namely, Katelyn. (Insert smile here)
I remember when I was an adult with two of my own children my mother use to introduce me to people as "her baby". No, I didn't like it and wished she would stop. After all, I was an adult, (or I was trying to be), married with two children. But in her heart, being the youngest of seven, I was her baby. Now I get it. I would often hear growing up from my older siblings that , "You get away with soooo much"... Something I often hear my boys tell their sister. She of course is my, Sweet Baby Girl.
And you know, their right. She does "get away" with more then they did. But I have grown to understand like they themselves will do some day, when they are on the end of their parenting experience... You live, and learn, and do better when you know better. My parents did it. Blue Eyes and I are doing it. They will too.
When our oldest brother died a few years ago now, people who loved him, and knew him, spoke at his funeral. He was 15 years older then me, and I really didn't know I had a brother Ron, until he was serving his country over in Vietnam when he was just 18. I realized on the day of his funeral, that He and our oldest sister, (she was the next in birth line), that they were the perfect combination of my parents. (Thats them, Ron and Paula to the very left of the above picture. I was yet to be born.) They were the results of my parents trying so hard to, "be good parents". The results of my parents when they were so young, had more energy, with ideals and expectations of their oldest children.
I remember when I was a teenager having the typical troubles with my mother that all teenage girls have with their mums, ( or at least in my view). I went down to my grandmothers house to, what she would call "bellyaching" about how my mother didn't understand me, didn't know me, wouldn't let me... yada, yada, yada... My grandmother in all her wisdom, said these few words that have always stayed with me...
"You are so much like your mother at this age"
Well at the moment, I didn't like my grandmother too much for saying that to me. But in the years to follow, and now, I treasure her insight and am glad for the connection that was so obvious to her.
I find myself parenting Katelyn differently in some ways then I did the boys. I'm not so uptight and serious. I know I only have a very short amount of time left with her here in our home before she will spread her beautiful wings and fly right the heck out of here. I try to be more reasonable. Listen to her more. Choose carefully what is really important to keep her character and let go of what is unnecessary. Let go of, what I am concerned "other people might think. " I am more concerned now, (with my fourth child), about our relationship, and where it will be when she does leave our home.
I'm still her mom first. But we are starting down the road to friendship, and I can say it is a good thing. She is a sweet, kind hearted, fun, creative, responsible, young lady. She has insight, and wisdom beyond her fifteen years. Her friends are such good kids. They have good clean fun, and know their boundaries. They keep each other safe, and respect their parents. And her BF... well, we couldn't have asked God for someone more suited for her. He is her best friend, and the sweet love that they have for one another is precious. Her heart is with him, and his with her. It is a sweet thing to see, and I feel privileged to be able to be on the outside looking in at how they are growing together.
If my mom were alive, she would soooo enjoy Katelyn Mary. (Mary was my mothers first name). I want to be in her life. And more then that, I want her to want me in her life. I am realizing that I don't need to compromise who I am as her parent, to do that. And I am grateful.
Hugs From My Heart
Check out Serenity Now . Great blog and one I frequent.
I told them about how we disciplined our peeps when they were little. I realized, like my parents, that I have done what is typical of most. The older ones, or first borns, get more asked of them. More expected of them. My parents did it. Blue Eyes and I did and still do it. Much to the criticism of the three older siblings of said fourth child, and only girl, namely, Katelyn. (Insert smile here)
I remember when I was an adult with two of my own children my mother use to introduce me to people as "her baby". No, I didn't like it and wished she would stop. After all, I was an adult, (or I was trying to be), married with two children. But in her heart, being the youngest of seven, I was her baby. Now I get it. I would often hear growing up from my older siblings that , "You get away with soooo much"... Something I often hear my boys tell their sister. She of course is my, Sweet Baby Girl.
And you know, their right. She does "get away" with more then they did. But I have grown to understand like they themselves will do some day, when they are on the end of their parenting experience... You live, and learn, and do better when you know better. My parents did it. Blue Eyes and I are doing it. They will too.
When our oldest brother died a few years ago now, people who loved him, and knew him, spoke at his funeral. He was 15 years older then me, and I really didn't know I had a brother Ron, until he was serving his country over in Vietnam when he was just 18. I realized on the day of his funeral, that He and our oldest sister, (she was the next in birth line), that they were the perfect combination of my parents. (Thats them, Ron and Paula to the very left of the above picture. I was yet to be born.) They were the results of my parents trying so hard to, "be good parents". The results of my parents when they were so young, had more energy, with ideals and expectations of their oldest children.
I remember when I was a teenager having the typical troubles with my mother that all teenage girls have with their mums, ( or at least in my view). I went down to my grandmothers house to, what she would call "bellyaching" about how my mother didn't understand me, didn't know me, wouldn't let me... yada, yada, yada... My grandmother in all her wisdom, said these few words that have always stayed with me...
"You are so much like your mother at this age"
Well at the moment, I didn't like my grandmother too much for saying that to me. But in the years to follow, and now, I treasure her insight and am glad for the connection that was so obvious to her.
I find myself parenting Katelyn differently in some ways then I did the boys. I'm not so uptight and serious. I know I only have a very short amount of time left with her here in our home before she will spread her beautiful wings and fly right the heck out of here. I try to be more reasonable. Listen to her more. Choose carefully what is really important to keep her character and let go of what is unnecessary. Let go of, what I am concerned "other people might think. " I am more concerned now, (with my fourth child), about our relationship, and where it will be when she does leave our home.
I'm still her mom first. But we are starting down the road to friendship, and I can say it is a good thing. She is a sweet, kind hearted, fun, creative, responsible, young lady. She has insight, and wisdom beyond her fifteen years. Her friends are such good kids. They have good clean fun, and know their boundaries. They keep each other safe, and respect their parents. And her BF... well, we couldn't have asked God for someone more suited for her. He is her best friend, and the sweet love that they have for one another is precious. Her heart is with him, and his with her. It is a sweet thing to see, and I feel privileged to be able to be on the outside looking in at how they are growing together.
If my mom were alive, she would soooo enjoy Katelyn Mary. (Mary was my mothers first name). I want to be in her life. And more then that, I want her to want me in her life. I am realizing that I don't need to compromise who I am as her parent, to do that. And I am grateful.
Hugs From My Heart
Check out Serenity Now . Great blog and one I frequent.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Today I am grateful...
For the man who loves me unconditionally. Knows my heart, my moods, my mistakes... Loves me with all he has and all he is. Loves who I am, and lets me, be me.
I am grateful for the man who is the father of, and dad too, four of the best things that have ever happened to me. Sometimes I can just be driving down the street, and it hits me how much I love these four. How blessed I am to have had the privilege of mothering them.
I see some of him in the best of who they are, and my mothers heart overflows with so much love for a man I know is a gift from God.
Today, I am a grateful girl. Because sometimes, I still think of myself as a girl. At least a part of me. And thats a good thing.
Hugs From My Heart.
For the man who loves me unconditionally. Knows my heart, my moods, my mistakes... Loves me with all he has and all he is. Loves who I am, and lets me, be me.
I am grateful for the man who is the father of, and dad too, four of the best things that have ever happened to me. Sometimes I can just be driving down the street, and it hits me how much I love these four. How blessed I am to have had the privilege of mothering them.
I see some of him in the best of who they are, and my mothers heart overflows with so much love for a man I know is a gift from God.
Today, I am a grateful girl. Because sometimes, I still think of myself as a girl. At least a part of me. And thats a good thing.
Hugs From My Heart.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Some people like heating pads or heating blankets... me, I love my hot water bottle. I carry it around the house with me and hardly sleep without it at my feet in the winter. When I was a girl, it was a poor mans way to stay warm when the heart was turned down at night to save on oil. Some things... just stay with you. It is a good thing.
Hugs From My Heart.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
One Of My Favorite Things...
This can turn a grumpy me into a happy me.
Ginger Essence™
Intensified fragrance spray
Here's a little something special to help you stay warm all season long - Ginger Essence™ Intensified fragrance spray. The spicy fire of Ginger and the refreshing zeal of Bergamot, Lemon and Lime are deepened to create an even more sensuous synergy between warm and cool, energy and calm, tempest and tranquility. Now the aroma is even more impossible to resist.
Which reminds me... I'm almost out.
Hugs From My Heart...
Ginger Essence™
Intensified fragrance spray
Here's a little something special to help you stay warm all season long - Ginger Essence™ Intensified fragrance spray. The spicy fire of Ginger and the refreshing zeal of Bergamot, Lemon and Lime are deepened to create an even more sensuous synergy between warm and cool, energy and calm, tempest and tranquility. Now the aroma is even more impossible to resist.
Which reminds me... I'm almost out.
Hugs From My Heart...
Friday, January 21, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Three Bags And A Morning Beautiful...
God is so gracious to me...
I think about all of the obvious ways God shows himself in our lives on a daily basis that even those that don't know Him will stop and say, "Hmmmmmm... "
When someones life is spared, your child is born, when someone completely turns their lives around and are given a second chance to live a better way.
But often I find, in the daily routine of life, I don't see with my hearts eyes just how detailed, how involved God is, in every little moment of my day. How like I am with my children, He cares about and is investing His love to me, His daughter. He knows my heart, and doesn't miss a thing. Even the little things.
Notice how I cropped the bags out.
This morning as I was putting on a bit of makeup, I noticed once again my eyes. I noticed that it is getting more and more difficult to see clearly in the mirror. But as I leaned closer to focus, I saw three. Not one, not two, but THREE bags under each eye! And no, I'm not exaggerating. And yeah, I did gasp.
Me at age 6ish
Age has never bothered me. I could care less about how old I am or that I'm not 18 anymore. I don't know about you but, I wouldn't want to be there again. I love being where I am in my life. But three... Three...
And just as I was putting the last layer of mascara on my lashes, and this girl was starting to feel closer to 50, my cell rings. Its Blue Eyes.
"Morning Beautiful"
See, that's God. God in the details. God in the, "I see your heart and know how your feeling this morning, and I just want to remind you of how much your loved, right where you are," kind of God.
I say all of that to say, I am no different then you. You are no different then me. If God sees my heart, He sees yours. If He is in the details of my life, He is in yours. If He cares enough to use my sweet Blue Eyed Husband to encourage me as I start my day over something so simple... He will you too.
That is God. Look for Him. Know He is there. In every detail, large or small. He is there. Talk to Him. Connect with Him. Listen to Him. He has your heart.
Hugs from Mine.
I think about all of the obvious ways God shows himself in our lives on a daily basis that even those that don't know Him will stop and say, "Hmmmmmm... "
When someones life is spared, your child is born, when someone completely turns their lives around and are given a second chance to live a better way.
But often I find, in the daily routine of life, I don't see with my hearts eyes just how detailed, how involved God is, in every little moment of my day. How like I am with my children, He cares about and is investing His love to me, His daughter. He knows my heart, and doesn't miss a thing. Even the little things.
Notice how I cropped the bags out.
This morning as I was putting on a bit of makeup, I noticed once again my eyes. I noticed that it is getting more and more difficult to see clearly in the mirror. But as I leaned closer to focus, I saw three. Not one, not two, but THREE bags under each eye! And no, I'm not exaggerating. And yeah, I did gasp.
Me at age 6ish
Age has never bothered me. I could care less about how old I am or that I'm not 18 anymore. I don't know about you but, I wouldn't want to be there again. I love being where I am in my life. But three... Three...
And just as I was putting the last layer of mascara on my lashes, and this girl was starting to feel closer to 50, my cell rings. Its Blue Eyes.
"Morning Beautiful"
See, that's God. God in the details. God in the, "I see your heart and know how your feeling this morning, and I just want to remind you of how much your loved, right where you are," kind of God.
I say all of that to say, I am no different then you. You are no different then me. If God sees my heart, He sees yours. If He is in the details of my life, He is in yours. If He cares enough to use my sweet Blue Eyed Husband to encourage me as I start my day over something so simple... He will you too.
That is God. Look for Him. Know He is there. In every detail, large or small. He is there. Talk to Him. Connect with Him. Listen to Him. He has your heart.
Hugs from Mine.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Yeah... I Think I'm Going Back.
Well, its been over a month now over at Wordpress and I can honestly say... I have hated it over there!!! For Today

Sure, there were some aspects of it that I really liked but all in all, it stressed me out.

I was seriously all about taking time and figuring out their setups, layouts, etc... I even put aside time in my day just to try to learn the ropes and all.
But I just wasn't happy there.
So I have decided to start a "new" blog. I know what your saying as you shake your head in confusion. WHAT? ANOTHER , stupid blog? !!! Its not really new I've just moved back to the old neighborhood.
I will still have this blog, In My View , which serves my just one picture a day, with a short post, need. So that won't change.
But this blog , Just For Today, the one your on now, will be my rambling on and on, with 45 million boring pictures, I don't blame you if you don't read it anymore, but I'm still gonna write it, blog.

And remember these two? My fifteen year old daughter and her Bestfriend/Boyfriend...Well even though I'm changing my mind about my blog, they are not.
They are still together, sweet, happy, all young and in love. I think its gonna last a lot longer then most. (She is going to hate that I put this picture up. I love it. She looks so much like my mum in it.)
Fifteen year old daughters BF, wrote this one night on our kitchen chalkboard. It just blessed my mothers heart when I came downstairs the next morning to the smell of hot coffee and the sweetness of this: .

Big Sigh... Theres no place like home.
Hugs From My Heart.

Sure, there were some aspects of it that I really liked but all in all, it stressed me out.

I was seriously all about taking time and figuring out their setups, layouts, etc... I even put aside time in my day just to try to learn the ropes and all.
But I just wasn't happy there.

I will still have this blog, In My View , which serves my just one picture a day, with a short post, need. So that won't change.
But this blog , Just For Today, the one your on now, will be my rambling on and on, with 45 million boring pictures, I don't blame you if you don't read it anymore, but I'm still gonna write it, blog.
And remember these two? My fifteen year old daughter and her Bestfriend/Boyfriend...Well even though I'm changing my mind about my blog, they are not.
They are still together, sweet, happy, all young and in love. I think its gonna last a lot longer then most. (She is going to hate that I put this picture up. I love it. She looks so much like my mum in it.)
Fifteen year old daughters BF, wrote this one night on our kitchen chalkboard. It just blessed my mothers heart when I came downstairs the next morning to the smell of hot coffee and the sweetness of this: .
Big Sigh... Theres no place like home.
Hugs From My Heart.
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